Are You Ready To Turn Your Years of Skills and Experience Into an Online Cash Machine?
Join me Tuesday, June 28th from 11am–2pm ET for a 1-day summit where you will discover the proven method that's helped me share highly valuable knowledge in an easy-to-use platform. 

This method has provided massive value to an audience interested in learning and taking immediate action to generate passive income through repeated online sales!

Get ready to discover how to: 
  • Have the mindset of a profitable creator
  • Define the assets, tools, & content you have available
  • ​Roll up your sleeves & create your ideal milestones
  • ​Get to the nitty gritty... What it really takes to bring your idea to life
  • ​Go to market with your profitable offer
Plus, you’ll connect and work with other like-minded, motivated people just like you to help hold you accountable!

I will also be bringing in a group of experts to help bring your marketing to the next level!

Mike "C-Roc"
CEO & Co-Founder
of blooprinted
Grant Cardone
CEO of Cardone Enterprises
Dan Russell
Chief Strategy Officer 
at Project 10K
Jared Yellin
Founder of Project 10K & 
Co-Founder of blooprinted
Kay Salerno
Co-Owner of Squeeze In

What is About To Be Shared at this Summit ISN’T For Everyone...

In fact, to-date I have only shared my proven blooprint method with a small, select group of other coaches, consultants, trainers & advisors. 

And here’s why:

It takes work to turn years of skills and experience into an online cash machine…
Which means if you’re looking for a “quick fix” to a deep-rooted problem in your online business…

Then this 1-Day summit may likely cause more hurt than help. 

To be quite frank…

There’s a reason that only the top coaches, consultants, trainers & advisors use these proven strategies in their online business. 

They take work… And a bit of finesse…

And some good ol’ fashion persistence and determination.

Which means if you are not willing to dedicate yourself to a jam-packed day of internet marketing madness…

Then this summit may be a waste of time. 

But if you’re a serious player…

You’re someone who’s looking to get to the “next level” in your online business…
And you want to flip the “online cash machine” switch in your online business…

Then this summit will help you go from “surviving business owner” to “the obvious choice” faster than a bowling ball on a slip-n-slide. 

So if you’re ready to join us for the 1-day blooprinted Summit…

Register below to claim your seat!

Claim your seat!

Tuesday, June 28th from 11am–2pm ET

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the blooprint Summit designed for?

This summit is for coaches, consultants, trainers & advisors who want to learn how to successfully turn years of skills and experience into an online cash machine. Regardless if you're just beginning or are a seasoned pro, this summit will walk you through the exact strategies that I have used to share highly valuable knowledge in an easy to use platform, Provide massive value to an audience interested to learn and take immediate action, & Generate passive income through repeated online sales!

What is the date and time of the summit?

The summit will take place Tuesday, June 28th from 11am–2pm ET

What do I need to bring?

A smile, a good attitude, and a passion and willingness to learn. This 1 day summit will provide jam-packed information, so show up ready to be an engaged member. It's recommended that you stock up on pens, paper, and something to keep you hydrated throughout each session so you don't miss anything!

Have other questions? 
Contact us at

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